Discover our new digital campaign #InvisiblePain
The ANALGESIA Institute Foundation, in partnership with DoCTAM* students,
is launching its awareness-raising campaign #DouleurInvisible
For many pathologies such as osteoarthritis, low back pain, cancer, heart disease, stroke, neuropathy or fibromyalgia, pain is often the main symptom.
11 portraits will be diffused progressively, during one year, at the rhythm of a new portrait every month.
Move the cursor to the right and discover Mireille, Antoine, Mira, Jean, Léa, Maxime, Clara and Romain' daily life

Meeting patient expectations and raising public awareness on chronic pain
How did the idea for the project emerge?
What is the campaign's target?
On which media can the campaign be found?

About DoCTAM *
DoCTAM is a group of seven students from advanced scientific backgrounds (PhDs in biology or pharmacists), currently in a specialized Master's degree in Marketing and Sales Management of the Health Industries at the Toulouse Business School.
As part of their health project (conducted in 2018-2019), DocTAM students have chosen to focus on the issue of chronic pain and its management. By using quantitative and qualitative surveys conducted among patients, patient associations, doctors or pain specialists, students recommended to the ANALGESIA Institute the creation of supports or events aimed at informing and raising awareness on chronic pain among as many people as possible. It is in this context that the #DouleurInvisible campaign was co-created. A conference was also organised on 17 October 2019 in Toulouse during the World Day Against Pain.