Legal notices et Site charter
You are currently connected to the official website of the ANALGESIA Institute.
Editor information
This site is published by the ANALGESIA Institute
Fondation Institut ANALGESIA
Faculté de Médecine
28, Place Henri Dunant
63000 Clermont-Ferrand
N° SIRET : 819 730 490 00011
Director of publication
Alice CORTEVAL, Operational Director
Site Mission
The mission of the website is to inform patients, doctors, the general public, students, researchers, journalists, etc.) about the ANALGESIA Institute and its various activities: care and research projects, calls for projects, fundraising.
Navigation on this site is subject to the regulations in force and these terms of use. It is the responsibility of all persons browsing this site to ensure that they have the right, under the terms of their local legislation, to access and/or use this site, the ANALGESIA Institute cannot under any circumstances be held liable in the event of a breach of such regulations.
No advertising is posted on the website. However, the ANALGESIA Institute may, as part of its mission, relay information promoting actions in the field of the fight against pain for free.
Online Donation
The ANALGESIA Institute is a partnership foundation, an organisation of general interest authorised to receive donations, legacies and life insurance. As a foundation, Internet users have the possibility to make an online donation to the ANALGESIA Institute. For this purpose, a Hello Asso donation form has been integrated into this website. Hello Asso is a free platform that allows the ANALGESIA Institute to raise funds online. Hello Asso fully and monthly returns the funds collected to the ANALGESIA Institute.
The ANALGESIA Institute uses the SendinBlue and MailChimp platforms to send its newsletters.
Intellectual Property
The entire site, including images, texts, iconographic and photographic representations and downloadable documents from the site, are subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. The reproduction or representation of all or part of this site, on any medium whatsoever, is therefore strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the Director of Publication.
The logo of the ANALGESIA Institute as well as that of associated trademarks (projects...) have been registered as trademarks with the Institut National de la Propriété Industriel (INPI). It is therefore prohibited to reproduce or use these logos without prior authorization from the ANALGESIA Institute.
Hypertext links and malware
It is expressly recalled that the ANALGESIA Institute has no control or responsibility for the creation of links to sites outside the ANALGESIA Institute and for the content of such sites. You must take the necessary precautions to ensure that the site you select is not infested with viruses or any other destructive parasites. In no event shall ANALGESIA Institute be liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of its website or other sites linked to it.
Site Hosting
2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix - France
Design and production
3 rue Abbé Girard
63000 Clermont-Ferrand
12 Allée Alan Turing
63170 Aubière