Our actions
The ANALGESIA Institute's mission is to financially support healthcare and research teams engaged in the pain field.
Several calls for projects are launched each year.
In 2020, the ANALGESIA Institute, in partnership with the SFETD, is renewing its call for projects Starter for an amount of 15000€. This is addressed to a team wishing to develop a research theme in the field of pain, to acquire or complete preliminary results which will then enable them to apply for competitive calls for projects (ANR, PHRC, PIA, H2020...).Click here to apply to the call for project 2020 (deadline 11/05/2020 at noon)
Award winner 2019
NOCI-PREM project : « Multimodal approach to the ontogenesis of nociception in the very premature infant »
led by Dr Pierre KUHN (CHRU of Strasbourg).
Discover his project
Award winner 2018
SVG-NINA project: "Galvanic vestibular stimulation" led by Dr Koichi HAGIWARA (UMR1028 Lyon - NEUROPAIN).
Discover his project
Award winner 2017
DIAMOND Project: "Diagnostic Markers of Neuropathic Dental Pain" led by Dr Nathan MOREAU (Bretonneau Hospital - APHP in Paris).
Discover his project
Call for STARTER projects "Pain and Animal Health"
The ANALGESIA Institute lauches an annual call for STARTER projects in "Pain and Animal Health" for an amount of €18,000. This award must enable an academic team wishing to develop a research theme on pain in animal health to acquire or complete preliminary results that will then allow it to apply for competitive calls for projects.
Click here to apply to the call for project 2020 (deadline 26/06/2020 at noon)
Award winner 2019
MPSAH project : « Evaluation of Different Physiotherapy Methods for the Immediate Relief of Myofascial Pain: A Multi-Species, Multi-Centre, Interspecies Study » led by Denise TABACCHI FANTONI (Department of Veterinary Surgery of the University of São Paulo, Brazil).
Discover her project

Call for STARTER projects within the ANALGESIA Network
The ANALGESIA Institute also organizes calls for projects for the members of its care / research network.
Award winner 2017
Project: an innovative and well-tolerated therapeutic strategy against oxaliplatin-induced neuropathy carried out jointly by the pharmacologists of UMR 1107 NEURO-DOL and the chemists of UMR CNRS 6296 - ICCF
Publication in progress