Key Data

Chronic pain, a major public health issue


Pain is synonymous to suffering.
When it becomes chronic, pain gradually invades patients' daily lives.
70% of patients suffering from chronic pain have psycho-social repercussions (sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, cognitive disorders).

Pain is the primary reason for consultation in emergency departments and in general practitioners. 
Less than 3% of painful patients receive treatment in a pain clinic. 

Pain is also an economic and social issue as it causes partial or total inability to work.


Chronic pain is the cause of significant medical costs (consultations, hospitalizations, examinations, etc.) and indirect costs that are largely underestimated (sick leave, etc.).
A recent European study even estimated that the socio-economic impact of pain was higher than other chronic diseases.

Sources : Serrie et a. Douleurs (2014) 15, 106-114 / Mick et al. Douleurs (2013) 14, 57-66 / Breivik et al. BMC Public Health 2013, 13:1229 / Bouhassira et al. Pain. 2008 Jun; 136(3):380-7 / Breivik et al. Eur J Pain. 2006 May;10(4):287-333 / Pain in Europe - a Public Health Issue (White paper sept 2011) / Taifel, P., Gerche, S. & Huas, D. La douleur en médecine générale. Douleur Analgésie 15, 71-79 (2002) / Livre Blanc de la douleur SFETD (2017) 9-10, 39-41.