A companion tool for chronic pain patients
Nowadays, chronic pain affects millions of French people who are not receiving optimal therapies. Patients need help in managing their pain. While medical innovation is struggling, e-health is opening up new opportunities.
By putting the patient at the heart of the process, the eDOL application, will allow improving the assessment of pain and its multiple repercussions, assisting the patient on a daily basis in managing his pain and thus better treating him, by making him an actor in his care and finally improving his quality of life by returning him to physical activity, social life or work.
Beyond this individual benefit, this innovative project, led by the ANALGESIA Institute, will also improve the care pathway by involving all health professionals and develop new research avenues around a better characterization of pain patient profiles.

"digital health"

follow-up platform

Big Data / AI
Project's progress
The first data are very encouraging, the complete results will be communicated by mid-2020.
Project launch2018
Development eDOL V12019
Feasibility clinical study (130 patients / 12 centres)2020
Development eDOL V2 & creation of an e-Cohort2021
Development eDOL V3 & clinical impact study2022
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