In partnership with the SFETD (French Society for the Study and Treatment of Pain), the Institut ANALGESIA foundation is renewing its call for projects "Starter" in 2020 for an amount of €15,000.
This prize should enable a team wishing to develop a research theme in the field of pain to acquire or complete preliminary results which will then enable it to apply for competitive calls for projects (ANR, PHRC, PIA, H2020, etc.).
The grant will be paid in a single instalment following the acceptance of the project and will be able to finance all types of expenses, in accordance with the budget presented in the application file.
Calendar :
- Deadline for sending applications: 11 May 2020 at noon
- Awarding of the prize to the winner: 20 November 2020, during the SFETD congress in Lille.
For any questions concerning this call for projects, please contact us via the following address:
You can also find all the information on this call for projects on the SFETD website: